Our products now come with all Eco-Friendly Safe Refrigerants such as R134A, R407C, R404A etc. Premier also offers a wide range of Ammonia Chillers and Ammonia Refrigeration Systems.One of the main advantages to ammonia, because of its overpowering odour, is that refrigerant leaks are “self alarming”. The main and most unfortunate disadvantage is that the “self alarming” nature of ammonia also attracts injury litigation should a refrigerant leak occur. Every day, Premier is trying to incorporate latest technologies for it’s initiatives towards the ozone layer and the enviroment as a whole. It is a slow but a steady process and the impact is long term and sustainable.

Premier Refrigeration Limited, in association with a few NPOs and Youth Organisations has also launched it’s first CSR Programme – Parivartan under which projects such as “Lift a Life” – Making dreams of the unpreviledged true, “A book for each child” – Supporting education and “Tree Plantation Drives” have been conducted. Premier believes in giving back to the society and invites you to join us in our quarterly CSR Initiatives. To participate in the same, contact us at +91-9920414344.

Charity begins at home! Premier Refrigeration Limited believes in first going green at home, then doing the same outside. We have worked in several ways in our attempts to convert our company a Greener organisation. For starters, Premier Refrigeration Limited is now completely paperless and wireless. Lesser printing applications, more computer applications. Paper has been reduced to a very high level. Use of recyclable canteen products, proper disposal of E-waste and recycle process has been given extreme importance.